Friday, February 26, 2010

Old Like Last Years News

I'm already getting the excuse that the relationship is no longer new and exciting. I guess the truth hurts and it 'could' be that way for anyone but in my mind I believe that if you are with the right person who holds your interest and you have a relationship where you respect one another it would not have to be that way.

My belief is that I should be loved for who I am and my uniqueness should be admired as I have personality that can set me aside from the rest of the crowd, yet people tend to be somewhat scared of that.

I dont ask for much but I suppose I expect a lot without having to ask, why can't he just know and understand my feelings and emotions without me having to baby step through them?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What makes me happy?

So I was thinking about the things that make me happy...
  • I enjoy laughing.
  • Getting special attention from my significant other.
  • Accomplishing something on my own.
  • While working out is a pain to do, it always feels good after.
  • I love it when my sweetheart cooks for me, you just know that it is made with love.
  • Listening to good music gives me an energy boost.
  • Doing something good for others who are close to me even if it is something small it is very rewarding to make someone else smile.
  • Having a productive day makes me feel good at the end of the day.
  • Looking at photos whether they are mine, someone elses, or photography in general they can all be inspiring.
  • Quiet time to relax and read is always pleasant.
  • Playing games to take your mind off of stress and other issues is a great way to relax and kill time.
  • Learning is something I really value, but you should not overload yourself with too much in one day.
  • I like to do some crafts from time to time, although it can require a lot of patience it allows me to get creative.
  • Finding good buys, saving a few dollars here and there makes me feel like a smart shopper.
  • Researching travel destinations and considering where I will take my next trip excites me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Staying Stable

Yeah that is pretty much an image of a baby on a balance beam. While I will be as my friend put it "a quarter of a century year old this March" I am far from a baby, but still feel like my life is in the baby stage.

Balancing things are my current problem. Having the challenge of completing my bachelor degree and trying to tackle some work that will help me gain more experience in my life is a real toughie.

While school and work are not my only concerns at the moment, health is the third charm. I have been a bit stressed because I have pretty much missed a period. My months previous to my miss have had a delay from the normal routine and everytime I have tested it has been negative so I am concerned of some other underlying issue but have been trying to drive those thoughts out of my mind and just ignore the issues for the moment because I have no health insurance a huge medical bill just for an evaluation would just put me over the edge at the moment. Come on string of good luck and float my way Okay?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

too much

reeses pieces, chocolate chips, potato chips, donuts, coke, apple cobbler, french toast, butter, bacon, cheese, biscuits, icecream, steak, chinese, popcorn, hamburgers, so far I have had everything but pizza.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Very Merry Lonely Eve Of Christmas

As I am having a 'by myself Christmas' this year at least I am happy about a few of the Christmas cards I have received from family/friends. I had an enjoyable time sending out some cute cards this year with personalized messages. You know it is kinda funny how you get cards from people sometimes that you are least connected with, and it just makes you wonder... these are the people you should be closer with. I try keep in some contact with all, but pleasing everyone is not always easy.

I felt so bad this year because my grandpa tried gift a computer to me, and I had to turn it down. I know he felt so disappointed that I returned his gift, but I personally really do not like surprise gifts that are expensive and just knowing I could of gotten something far better for that kind of money put more stress on me than what I could endure and I had to tell him I was going to send it back so that he could get a refund. Once again, I feel terrible for having to turn down something he put thought into just for me and it tears me apart the most, but even more I felt like it was just too much.

All in all I did get somethings accomplished today, I got the package mailed back out, got to leave the job early today, and even got to the gym today, and I did some cleaning. As far as tomorrow, maybe just watch a movie and do an @ home workout, and lots of internet surfing, maybe some game playing and then some.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hollow Holiday

This will be the first time I would of ever spent my Christmas/Newyears all alone. Its a bit of a bummer, but things will be back into the swing of things once it is all over. Work, School, Gym, Play the routine for everyday. Well the work thing, i'm not 100% on. I will continue to look for a better opportunity because this place I am at just aint cuttin it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A job search

Since October I have been patiently applying for jobs and attending interviews, and now I am just so ready to get back to work. I know the economy is not good, but jobs are still being posted I am getting phone calls and occasional interviews so I am feeling positive that one should turn up soon. I had 3 interviews last Thursday and I have 2 more interviews today so I have high hopes that something will turn out.

I'm really not trying to just settle for any ole job either, I am trying to get something at least in the technical field. I feel I have some sort of advantage right now because it is near the holiday season and some people get lazy on their job search well I am going to be the one who keeps looking and hope to have an awesome company pick me up where I can get some real world experience and build on my skills.